
It doesn't work

The knife, that is, but let's not jump to the end of the story. I continued busting up the underground laboratory in STALKER, there were a lot of those fire anomalies. I don't really mind walking through them, they posed harmless to my tank-like health. It was a surprise though when I was still burning someone bit me in the butt. It was a mutant with a gas mask, so I was wondering how did he bite me, anyways I found his invasive actions bothering so I decided to stab him in the eye. He calmed down instantly.

After that I was walking through the fire happily when I found a big hall. The PDA indicated the secret documents are in this place so I stepped in. I heard a earth-shocking howling, but since I couldn't see the source I continued to search for the documents. The howling still continued and it was starting to get really annoying. I was about to reach the other end of the hall when I experienced something I'd call AOE Stun. I got pissed so I drew my knife out and started looking for the mutant, thinking it's some sort of mage class again like earlier. But then, that monstrosity started running up to me, it was like a big balloon head with two limbs attached to it. I was like "Oh, crap" and tried to run until I figured out it was way faster than me, not to mention I was already overpacked with loot, so I ran out of breath in a matter of seconds. So the only thing I could come up in this situation is walking up to the beast and stabbing it in the face. It usually works.

Counting the seventh stab in the face I noticed it still chomps on my guts with the same vigor, thankfully I was instructed how to bind the medkits to a hotkey. It was weird.. I was using the alternate attack of the knife, which should kill like anything with one hit, with the penalty of the shortest hitting distance and long cooldown if I actually miss. The monster still eating me happily after the seventh, I felt wronged, what could have went wrong? Is it my knife that went dull? Or my berserker spirit? I felt tainted and guilty when I took out my Avtomat Kalashnikova. I shot the first bullet into it's head and it collapsed, leaving me wondering, why didn't I kept stabbing that beast? I calmed myself with a shrug and scooped up some data from the corpse lying around in the corner. He had some odd rifle too, I couldn't attach my scope onto it, but I figured out it had one built in already. I didn't have much ammo for it, so I dumped it into my already ton-weight bag and continued my search.

Well, the next Animecon is a month away now, if I'm guessing right. I haven't finished gathering my costume pieces for the performance either. Meh.. Anyways, I think I haven't shared this picture about me and my sister yet, it was drawn at the previous Animecon. Lynxx And Dori

Today's Youtube video will be a japanese craziness. I think it's an Ad to some sort of spice, I really can't figure it out, but oh well.

LL out.

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