
First Post

I've managed to print out an awesome poster a few days ago. The sad thing was I forgot I didn't have any tacks at home. Meh. Yesterday I remembered maybe my lil' sister has some, so I asked. She had them indeed. Here's the poster.

Let's see, yesterday I was too lazy to go to the gym, I didn't want to go alone anyways, since Tomee cousin felt sick and ditched the plan.

We played Fantasy Grounds II again later. We were like zombies at 11pm, but we still insisted playing. We at least today we didn't spend that three hours only to sell three damned gems. We finally managed to get on with the story. Melissa revealed a little from her past. There was a very short bar-brawl. Yeah, it's cliché, but it helped to bring our adventurers out the city. Yscar hasn't been healed yet and constantly arguing with Odassyan about his plan about attacking that mysterious palace we never seen yet. We had a good time. We went to sleep around 2am.

Youtube. I found this awesome guy. He played Für Elise from Beethoven on his guitar and I suddenly felt the need to hug my Cruiser and try to play it. I failed miserably, but at least I had a good time trying. That guy had another awesome video, which I'm posting here.

LL out.

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