I was listening to this while thinking what should I write about on this fine day. I strongly oppose to rant about classical music, because of the lack in my knowledge in it. I do like listening to Rachmaninov and Mozart, but then people who are actually knows music history starts asking about their life and such. Or what is far worse, they start to analyze it like "What was he thinking when he composed this?". Who cares? Sorry for my rage against all kinds of history or the similar studies, but the past is something you shouldn't take seriously in case you weren't there. Believe me when I opened a 20 year old history book and compared to mine in elementary school, I was shocked. Seems like history changes over time, especially in education, at least thats what I found out. So, what I mean is there is no reliable source of information about the past( except google, of course). History, religion music of the past are made to harvest profit from the people. With this I mean no offense, it's fair business, sell what you can and make a good living.
Well, I kinda went off there, history pulls my triggers hard. Back to music then. I don't really categorize music by genre, since I see there are thousands of genres and me being a perfectionist, I'd hate to make a mistake by categorizing a song wrongly. So I just say, this one is good, this one is all-time favourite and this one sucks. I listen to a song at least once, to determine it is worth my praise or not.

Still on topic, I think I mentioned I own an electric guitar. A cheap but awesome one, I heard bad reviews about this Cruiser by Crafter guitar. I wonder why, is it because it's not a Fender or Les Paul? It sounds awesome, it's kinda heavy(heavier than most guitars I tried) and I have yet to find a flaw in it. It's black with a white protector. I actually have the whole set on picture here. It's as you can see a Stratocaster clone, so it must receive lots of love. I plan to purchase an effect box(I think it's a Zoom-something), but thats for later.
As for gaming these days, I'm getting back to DotA. I play pretty bad, I haven't played it for 4 months, but I'm getting better again. It's nice to meet the old dudes who you played with for years and not to mention getting new ones, who will be with you for ages too. DotA is such a nice community game with lots of competition and rivalry. The new versions are still a but buggy, but hell, it's free, it's made by people you play with and they actually listen to your ideas and suggestions to make the game more balanced and bug free. Oh yes, the Hungarian version sucks by the way. Hehe..
For last but not least, here is this creepy video. It's not really creepy, it might be just me who feels a bit.. umm... disturbed by the awesomeness of this video. The cat is a real pro horror actor, so be careful if you have weak heart. How the heck that guy trained the cat to do this???
The video is so creepy and that cat...omg! what a strange cat :P