Here it is.
I could play some STALKER too. They sent me against some newbies in the arena. They were so easy to drop.. I climbed onto the boxes and jumped onto their necks from above with my knife. Rambo style. After collecting the arena money I continued towards the core of the zone. I was happily walking amongst the ruins when a few snipers started firing at me. Of course, my AK was totally busted by that time. I think the rain ruined it, it always got jammed after shooting a few bullets. I wasted a few ammo to shut them up, so I could craw out from my cover and look at their drops when I heard their radio saying that they're want to send a chopper against me. I was like why not.. In the ruins I have the advantage, since everything excluding my enemies are invulnerable. I confirmed it by shooting a few shells on a lamp, trying to blind my enemies, but the thing just deflected my bullets.
So I looted the snipers and ran out of the building from cover to cover, but the chopper never came.. Eh.. I continued my way to a strange train station, it was full of that electric anomaly, I can resist fire pretty good, but I didn't feel like walking through those.. When I was about to turn back to find another route I heard a distress call from a scientist not far away. He was cornered by mercs and asked me to stop them getting some seriously secret information. I guess it wasn't that big of a secret if the stupid mercs found about it. Anyway, I shot them into a pile, they weren't worth stabbing, because they always run away and while I chased one, the other five kept filling me with lead. When I finished I decided I loot them first before I talk to that scientist. I was packing away some ammo when I heard a gunshot and my PDA told me that I failed the mission. The damn merc respawned near the scientist... Oh how I love this game. Well, it was enough to loot the flash drive from the guy and bring to the barkeep. He didn't pay a thing for it, oh well.. Things happens in the zone. Oh, by the way there was a guy with a funny name. I shot him in the leg so I could stab him when I got to the roof, thats when I saw his name. Here the screenshot.
As for this weekend, it was hoooot.. I wanted to sleep a lot and get revitalized for the next week work, because it will be hell. I just couldn't stay in bed in this heat. Not to mention people coming over to watch anime and movies. My little sister came back from her friend's place. I haven't seen her for like a month, but she already attacked my chips and popcorn supplies. Ah.
Fantasy Grounds... O M G.. Friday was hilarious. We played 6 hours and we're still in the same city as before. Same day, about a hour later since we last played. Our brave adventurers decided to have some drink while waiting for Melissa who got lost in the city again. They were about to drink themselves to the ground when a few hooligans raided the place. Trying to enslave the cute waitress girl and probably to rob the place. Our brave heroes finished them in a very interesting way. The wizard joined their leader saying "Let's have fun with the girl in the backroom. You don't mind do you?", the positive decision was helped by a Charm Person spell, so the hooligan leader befriended the wizard very quickly, friendly enough to think about sharing the joys that girl could provide, but for his disappointment he got a Color Spray in the face and got tied up with rope. The other two were disarmed by the warrior, accidentally he swung too hard on one and he cut off a thumb, but hey, thats normal. The two drunk hero agreed on interrogating the hooligan leader, but since they couldn't understand much, the wizard decided to headbutt the guy. He successfully broke his nose and even put himself unconscious upon impact. The warrior and the bandit laughed at him and when they were finished the warrior crashed the hooligans head into the table and then they went to rest for the day. Can you believe it we roleplayed all this in six hours? We're hardcore.
Here I am, infected by the blogosphere. I read blogs and write posts in my own. I hope I won't get too addicted.
hey! i love ur writin style...dts one style i prefer most...informal, witty, n yet, to d point!
ReplyDeletei need ur help, i dont know how to 'edit' my blog layout, i mean, apart from d usual 'templates', der is nothin else! i wanna mk it more happenin, 'cool'.. u noe wt i mean! :D
Thanks, as for templates, you can always download custom made skins and import them in the Customize menu. Just google blog template.
ReplyDeleteIf you're into coding, you can always change the looks manually if you know HTML and CSS, maybe a little Java as well, but its not that necessary. It's easy to modify them because the creators usually leave comments in the script to make editing easier. Try it out, it won't delete any of you posts and if you mess up you can still reload the whole thing and start again.
Nice post...u seem pretty lost in your gaming world..I like your writing's quite fun to read..sisters attacking chips and popcorn supplies seem to be quite common these days...have fun blogging and thanks for helping me out with my technical difficulties :)
ReplyDeleteThankyou, I can say the same to you, love your blog. The gaming world is awesome, so its easy to lose yourself in there.
ReplyDeleteAs for the sisters, I found out their thinking mechanism so here is the trick. Buy a cheap flavourless popcorn. Hide the pricey tasty chips in your bag and when you get home and all the eyes point at you like "What did he buy now? Food food!" Throw the popcorn far away and when the sister, they will run after it and this creates enough time to run into your room and hide the yummies. Hahahaha
hahaha...awesome suggestion! Why didn't I think of it??...I have been entering from the back door all these years to hide my chips supply from my sis's eyes.
ReplyDeleteKeep posting!!
Cheers :)